Supporting people with 22q11.2 Deletion or 22q11.2 Duplication Syndrome.
Awareness, Education, Community & Support
Celebrating 30 years
Features or Symptoms
22q Deletion
22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome has more than 180 possible symptoms and issues can occur in many different body systems for example, heart, palate, and learning style. It makes sense that patients should have a comprehensive evaluation of all areas which could be affected. The Practical Guidelines for Managing Patients with 22q11.2DS includes a list of multisystem features and recommended assessments across the lifespan. The guidelines can be found here.
Upon initial diagnosis the standard assessments for all ages include:
Speech/Language/Developmental Assessments
A Renal Ultrasound (to check the kidneys)
X-rays of the neck (in children old enough to cooperate and where the bones are well ossified – so ~ 3 to 4 years of age)
22q Duplication
22q duplication symptoms vary amongst individuals. Symptoms can range from none to mild, moderate or occasionally severe. There is a wide variability in the types and severity of associated symptoms, including birth defects, medical problems, and developmental differences. 22q11.2 duplication can also result in very mild symptoms or none at all.
Some of the reported symptoms of 22q duplication are:
Facial Features
Flat and broad nose
Small-sized lower jaw and chin
Widely spaced eyes
Downslanting eyes Eye folds (epicanthal folds)
Low-set ears with abnormal ear formation
Cleft Palate
Small or large-sized head and narrow face
Behavioural/Developmental Features
Global developmental delay
Speech & Language Impairments
Cognitive/Intellectual impairments
Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive behaviour Depression
Delayed toilet training
Around 14 to 25% of individuals will have autism spectrum disorder
Physical Features
Weak muscle tone (hypotonia)
Feeding difficulties
Hearing impairment/loss
Vision Impairments
Underdeveloped heart; heart valve defects
Growth delays/short stature
Kidney abnormalities
Differences in the thyroid and calcium levels
Immunocompromised (absent or underdeveloped thymus)
Delayed fine/gross motor skills
Symptoms are not limited to the above list as there is still a lot unknown about 22q duplication and research is still occurring. Medical evaluations may detect additional problems, but many therapies and interventions are available to manage them​